Ny Ålesund



• image code: TB063
• Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen
• exposure time est. 4 months
GPS location 78°55’31.5″N 11°55’58.3″E

The history of the project Touch base, arctic solargraphy, really all began at this location. Scientist and station manager Maarten Loonen works each summer in the most northern village in the world, Ny Alesund. He conducts research concerning barnacle geese, ecology and basically anything arctic. His house there is small but can host a small group of scientists each year. In 2015 Maarten led a large expedition to the Island of Edgeøya east of Spitsbergen. On this journey I worked as an artist in residence and this is where I first met Maarten. Just before the trip, he had already helped me create imagery on location in Ny-Alesund so he could hand over the camera’s that held the first solargraphy images taken that far north. The results were filed under the project name Shapes of time. We kept in touch ever since and collaborated again on this project Touch base, arctic solargraphy. A global ‘science meets art’ photography project I conducted during 2019-2020.

This image was created with a specially designed multiple image pinhole panorama camera. I used a square PVC box with 4 holes on each corner. Behind each pinhole is a small closed compartment which catches the image in front of the camera onto the paper on the inside. The 4 images present a 360° view on the surroundings.

Touch base project
Dutch Arctic Station
Interact, arctic field stations worldwide
Extra info

The image will be printed onto Hahnemühle Natural Line Fine Art Paper based on hemp and using the Epson Sure Color Printing technique.