Ortelius • Spitsbergen



• image code: SOT12
• a solargraphy on board of SV Ortelius on the Greenland Sea & Barentsz Sea near Spitsbergen
• exposure time 7 days
GPS location (est.) 76°31’05.0″N 15°21’21.5″E

During the scientific SEES NL Expedition to Spitsbergen & Edgeøya, I attached several pinhole camera’s to the ship we were traveling on. From the main port Longyearbyen we sailed south, around the corner point of Spitsbergen to the  island of Edgeøya. The journey took about 8 days and fully packed with science. The ship sailed back and forth between Edgeøya and eastern Spitsbergen and because we still had 24 hours of sunlight, the scientists on board were able to work around the clock. All the while I could follow the work, research and experiments the scientists performed and when we were back in the main port, I collected my camera’s and took them home. So in this image you can read seven days of traveling, the sun wrote herself onto the paper while the boat was rocking and swinging on the waves. If you look close you can actually see some of that wave movement back in the sun lines.


Mark Haanstra & Oene van Geel have created a music album named after the photo series, Shapes of time. Each photo was an inspiration for a music composition. Shapes of time is also a performed with the photographs translated to animated backgrounds.

Extra info

The image will be printed onto Hahnemühle Natural Line Fine Art Paper based on hemp and using the Epson Sure Color Printing technique.

Shapes of time, album
Shapes of time, project
SEES Scientific expedition
Dutch arctic station