In 2016 the Palace Soestdijk opened it’s doors to the wonderful art exhibit BAL!. While artists were building their installations, I was allowed to explore the architecture, the grounds and look for a story inspired by it’s history of dutch monarch’s who inhabited the place during 2 centuries past.
In the research I noticed this picture of the palace’s staff dated around 1920’s. This is a portrait of people working in and around the grounds around that time.
A young woman is holding a type of camera that is still available in second hand stores today. I knew I found my story. She could become our guide to the hidden places of the palace that she could visit as a staff member. By using the same photography technique I could make a series of images that would take us, the audience, back in time and look at the palace, once a Summer house from this woman’s perspective.
This first series of images takes us back into to the history of the place. But I felt I also needed to put this in a futuristic perspective. At the time of making these images the future of the palace was uncertain. It was in. need of renovation and a new purpose. Solargraphy and self made pinhole camera’s can bring that uncertain feeling to life. The sun’s lines in the sky above the architecture and the garden’s bring a perspective of time and uncertainty. Will the palace stay open for the public and allow people to walk and enjoy the grounds or is it going back into a more VIP situation where only those with privilege can enter ?
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